Monday, August 26, 2013

Metropolis Screams II

City not yet awake
Screaming heart codex
Vile alignment of metropolis
Invisible honourless dark
Terror plight forest
Scent of prey

Wrestled life once
Screamed as overcome
Woke the world's compassion
Died a murder of apathy
One shot to the vein

Awakened vulgar predator
Narcissistic soul codex alignment
Heart contorted in metropolis
Pursuing damaged victims
Harmed in blight forest
Under a black moon
Eclipse of morality

Wrestled life once
Upon the dais of compassion
Before the throne of metropolis apathy
Contorted bent knee to detachment
Murderer of benevolent's clarity
Single loveless arrow plunge
Into the heart of inhumanity
Where life stands today

Danger unmanaged
Recalled hour glass time
Framed for a score unsettled
Black litter runt concept
Echoing moral premise
Wept from silent lungs
In endless dreams
They're piercing
Howl of loss...

Every ghost
Wrestles life once
Shell conceived prey
Waking in grey isolation
Aftermath of the world's use
Husk is hollow in tragic appeal
Theft of conscience globe
Compassion is apathy
Synonym for profit
War on earth
Plain to see
The ending