Saturday, March 5, 2011


In a bomb sculpted landscape we lay down to sleep
Under charred branches of the napalm eaten trees
Destitute dreams of escaping the bloody hands of groping slavery
Meandering endlessly in hopes of a border out of a desolate wasteland

Dirty rags worn as bandages
Allowing for infection amidst dreams
Bodies thrown in burning garbage heaps
The tragedy of children denied amnesty

Pardons for none in a state impoverished by debt
A child trafficked passes unhindered before your eyes
Couldn't escape abduction's unforgivable sexual slavery
Meandering as prostitutes for big brother out on the streets

Dirty rags adorn wounds as bandages
Allowing for infection amidst somewhat pleasant dreams
Bodies lay as garbage in bullet ridden streets
The tragedy of children denied amnesty
For crimes they weren't alive to see

Street urchins pass by as slaves before our eyes
Forced non-lethal overdose their only means of rest
In moments of intoxicated hallucination they are released
Meandering amidst us free folk before returning to horizontal hardships

Tattered rags adorn our youths unvirgined bloody disgrace
Allowing for continuous rape amidst the needles comatose like dreams
Bodies lay as warm dolls in our lands underneath our denying eyes
The tragedy of children born to debtors sold to keep the home
Abundant crimes sculpted by our blindly permissive society

Close your eyes tight young one as he penetrates
Soon all shall blur away under heroin's euphoric illusions
Transcend the unceasing repetition of evil in motion
Without end seek you the dream desert of a foreign land

I pray the villain's prayer
For an overdose is as grace
Rescue is beyond my grasp
Blind eyes of 99% of humanity
Die and gain the mercy
Of an enraged God