Thursday, March 1, 2012

Deserted Angelic Peppermint Dream

No break from pain
Into oppression's well
Wishes spent upon comfort
As angels jump to their death

Paper wings sown on
Angelic digital template
Taste your lips alone to die
Lethargic to the seraphim cause

No break from shame
Call me out as I die
Should've known
Cause of death

Paper winged angel
Seraphim digital image
Imagine your lips of solace
Lethargic to heaven's cause

No shelter
Slaves on parade
Children so desperate
Comfort casualties of greed

Paper winged angel
Seraphim digital image
Imagine your lips of solace
Lethargic to heaven's cause

Paper transcript gaurdian
Wingless angel jumping to death
Heaven abandoned the wind chime
Bell for deparate seraphim & their hope

Paper wing pinned angel
Seraphim photo-shop digital image
Lust for the solace of your cuase
Lethargic to wandering so long