Sunday, August 10, 2014

Maleficent Religious Condescension: Palace of Displacement II

Autobiography of the first parasite,

     Air toxic double contagion helix born presence threatening an externally imbued nature by hateful means of desolate conscience desired eternal sedated foul outcome play, Game of hatred's wrist slicing bullets versus love's lost since our mythical genesis match, Where unattended young prey, Paper rage clipped bloody knees bent amputee over alters of well prejudice maintained thought murderously out, Hatching six six six wingless angels seeking atonement before the end...

      What queen will harbour silence in her mouth as the bedrooms marked home are engulfed by another generation of contemptuous heart congealing greed, Divorcing conscience from empathy's compassionate feelings their impregnated with a monetary ladder remorse, Offering dreams far beyond no was ever an unheard answer from the lips of women by the  inheritance  squad of choosing every violent bruises left after fist marks the epidermis with consequences of standing up for anything other than the immoral convictions of avarice at all costs.

In lieu of our participation in,
Mutilating another generations dreams!