Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Being One I

Everybody raise two digits
To the Man in the sky with me
Maybe if you'd been born a lady
We'd not be every second stuck in time
Momentarily discovering your disavowed hope
In the form of all this tragedy...

Creation Project
Spoken in the hollowed dark
Concerning algorithms of origin
That no longer fearfully matter

Explaining life it torture

Everybody raise two digits
To the Entity in the sky with me
Maybe if you'd been created a lady
We'd not be attempting fix all You've broken
Every hopeful second discovering Your disinterest
For all form of our ongoing tragedy...
Sandcastling as an ocean
Into the earth

Creation Project
Growing in honesty
Painting delicate seed pictures
Concerning algorithms of origin
That no longer fearfully matter

Because explaining life...
Is torture

Everybody raise single digit torn emotion fist
In violence of course unto the Man in the sky with me
Anchoring the concept that maybe if He'd been born a lady
We'd not be eternally attempting to discover a disavowed hope
Contained within the endlessly inhumane planted bombs
Swelling at the apathetic greed ends of our depravity
For in all this is found our continuance
An ocean of tragedy...

Creation disavowed project
Concerning fantasies of origin
That thankfully no longer matter
Because explaining life...

Was making us sick
Killing our perspective
To live compassion in the present

For so long we lived in shallow depths
In vapid pools of disenchanted apathetic greed 
Taught to us by those we're supposed to trust
Loved ones family cancerous members

Now disgust us with their potential
Acquiring illegitimate defences
For the hate they seek

In lieu of our hopeful participation in,
A Sunday without G-d!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Rage & Abuse I

Inhumanely staring,

      Gawking with false eyes, Pretentious enigma false hope instilled pessimistic doctrine of missed trust... We placed upon the shoulders of karma's invisible creatures, Angels on wingless ash of hell fire watching our children burn under inhumanity's greedy apathetic ire.

In lieu of our participation in,
Flickering magnitudes of lingering hatred.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Reverse Prayer II

Communion of misery,

    Hateful eternally shouting saints attempting to bloody harsh throat vacantly ignorance pray away the smouldering ashes of our past abuse, Charred lungs cry hideous withered obsidian tongue out as those we've left 3rd amputated hope world behind... Starving,  In shared angelic to inhuman sickness of hatred at an empty forlorn response of heaven's sky, Defiled by a disconnection between a pacifist addiction to truth and the awakening of shame converted to rage causing action!

In lieu of our participation in,
Forgetting G-d to strive on,
Alone if we have to...!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Reverse Prayer I

Communion of hateful saints,

     Writhing at our caused suffering, Smouldering ashes left of their beaten wings, Hell hath swallowed their fury... But not before a humanity on fire woodland scene, Corpses entry denied, We're too far incapacitated with a willing darkness, Simply because our arrogance despicably appreciates a inhumanely harboured apathy instead of the thunderous inner voice of shame!

In lieu of our participation in,
Wishing away Angels.
Until only demons remain!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hive Mind: Intel Out I

Indifferent regret,

     Momentarily shamefully felt triumphant fortunes of love's hope shedding apathy inside us heathens, Pleasure's unspeakably said cheered us to forget, Only our worst untelevised monologue fears hold us in healing's contempt within the throws of our continuous societal hive following curse.

In earnest anticipation of our participation,
In better days beyond blindness...!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Wishes of the Willingly Deaf & Dumb I

Beyond pleasure's unsaid,

    Where the soul of a long dead karma is still attempting to cave children out of stone, Fuelling the innocence lost machine behind a guilty wilted inhumane good times took presidents over all of the victims' family tree... Her continuance is an ongoing shameful failure apology, In exile past the oblivion we're yet to see!

In lieu of our participation in,
Unspeakable apathetic things!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Lost F(r)iend I


    Don't bother... I hate you, Just like the lineage resourceful poet of your heritage, Once was a pathetically theatrical bribed giant faking death psalm writing deviant who sponsored your life and illegal karma miracle resurrection, David our prayers are over purposefully misdirected glance heard, By an oblivious shape beyond the sky...

In lieu of our earnest anticipation in,
A betrayer's hatred

Hive Malignant Mind: Missing Action II

Bravery unthinking,

        Thoughtlessly wondering into a war of thirst, Unquenching internal hurt witnessing the miracle dealer turn a blind internal hope's now a pacifist eye on the karma our third toxic empathy world survives as a wreckage in...

In earnest anticipation of,
G-d's miracle karma infusion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: G-d of Nature's Misery I

Generic phantom g-d behaviour,

     Refusing to answer last amputated revengeless breath victims' of a generate rampantly compassionate numb greed worst starvation life drawn too quickly to an end suffocation cursed wishes... As if their prayers weren't valid in the eyes of miracles compared to the 1st world us!

      How beautiful is the last shall enter hell first communion of belief lost in mistranslated verses, Their cause gathers dust upon the archaically haunting bliss rims of mirrors adorning the flaming architecture of an everlasting unjust carpe gold fallen diem heaven... Enshrined delicately not above but below...!

     Find yourself guilty of desiring whilst others wither, This is your futile cross: This is your daily battle: To embrace compassion while discovering how to live the difference between conviction's swelling imprint and truth's meagre impressions often found rife with inaction, Deny the emblem of spineless pacifist constraints held ransom their forever captive by those all hanging themselves around, In karma circles of justice lost when heaven crowned G-d libel for all life.

In lieu of our participation in,
Shedding numb tears...
At the T.V.