Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: G-d of Nature's Misery I

Generic phantom g-d behaviour,

     Refusing to answer last amputated revengeless breath victims' of a generate rampantly compassionate numb greed worst starvation life drawn too quickly to an end suffocation cursed wishes... As if their prayers weren't valid in the eyes of miracles compared to the 1st world us!

      How beautiful is the last shall enter hell first communion of belief lost in mistranslated verses, Their cause gathers dust upon the archaically haunting bliss rims of mirrors adorning the flaming architecture of an everlasting unjust carpe gold fallen diem heaven... Enshrined delicately not above but below...!

     Find yourself guilty of desiring whilst others wither, This is your futile cross: This is your daily battle: To embrace compassion while discovering how to live the difference between conviction's swelling imprint and truth's meagre impressions often found rife with inaction, Deny the emblem of spineless pacifist constraints held ransom their forever captive by those all hanging themselves around, In karma circles of justice lost when heaven crowned G-d libel for all life.

In lieu of our participation in,
Shedding numb tears...
At the T.V.