Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Burn's Haunting Ode Night

Ode from the other side
(Adele cover poem)

In loving memory of…

it’s the disappearance of me
sorry I’ve left you early
hopefully in your life
I’ve made a difference
even just slightly
from your youth

don’t you fret
the world isn’t breaking
beneath your flight of feet
yet I’m clearly trembling terribly
with a vast expanse of apologies
once again inaudibly reluctant
I’m attempting another hello
merely to say I’m sorry
I can’t be there anymore
not until you reach find me
in this realm of finality
a home for our reuniting
wherein I’ll sing

once again

it’s the mirror
not the reality of me
just vapours of memory
shards shimmering in their trembling
reflections of a ghost who can’t reach you
with the magnitude of just how truly sorry
will you always remember this entity
now that I’ve had to depart so early
how great was the impact
an inaudibly verbal hello’s touch
of love’s honesty upon your clarity
 now momentarily tragedy struck life
hopeful mountains yet move
with anticipated greetings
magnitudes of joy
when next…
we meet

just you wait & live with peace

By Juton

(left bank General Manager)