Monday, July 6, 2009

Versus, an debate Masking as an Attack

The creator creature
Who could ever write a better system
You claim to be open minded
But you claim I'm fucking retarded

Yes, I believe in a central processing unit
It files your life and the world at once
Yet you claim all my knowledge fucking stupid

In a brick wall debate you fall back on zombie Jesus
Thinking I'll stop, say dammit, proclaiming
I didn't foresee the latest revolutionary mock
Coming as a valid theological question
But I suppose that's a fools position

Your knowledge of the evidence
Processing it as unquestionable truth
I suppose America's court system know all
Base your theology on what a Judge ruled one day
Before the theory changed as it does each day
Denying evidence or explaining it away

I'm fucking foolish in my desire for equality
While you fuck every girl your lustful eyes see
I see your breeding Darwin's philosophy
We exist to magnify our own image
For an advanced genetic next generation

Ask me and all I see is deniability
You say Christianity started so many wars
But you ignore the facts of history
To create a view of hatred
Towards a God you claim could never be
What an easy path to comfort internally
Forgetting all religions and morals for deniability

You desire to liquefy all religion
All moral grounds shall disappear
Remove all boarders for a better existence
When will you realize then all you have is fear

You can't rewrite something predestined
An internalized unprecedented system
Morals didn't just come about
Inside us all are they written

Eat, breed, sleep, work, repeat
At the end we'll liquefy and use you
Imagine that, you'll never be a failure
As your liquid self feeds another

You claim all war is of no use
Raise your voice for no one
If religion could fade so would genocide...
As if man, get a fucking brain
And your the one calling me insane

How the fuck can you ignore history
Oh yeah you loudly proclaim a hypocrisy holocaust
Stupid evolutionist living in fact deniability
You proclaim evolution like a badge
Behind your lack luster biology degree

You'll read anything anti religious article
But won't question a prof or book he suggests
Because that might jeopardize your hypothetical master's degree
Which you forgot to achieve but still you carry on
With an online argument from zeitgeist
Who altered facts you've forgot from your own education
History is a bitch when hatred unquestioned slips in

So we're standing in the same room we started in
You think I'm wrong but don't question your facts
I've questioned mine and know yours as well
Yet you proclaim ever so loudly I'm the one insane as hell
So this is my middle finger in your face
Yeah I'm a Christian challenging you
Fuck is a word, back your facts up with a few
Or stop calling me out just to run away
To a prof or online vid with your tail between your legs

Fuck how I wish your mentality was something I could engage
But your zeitgeist American Judge proven theology is too much
For anyone to break you from the hatred you can't disengage
Why do you enjoy speaking as if your the one 'in the know'
When you question nothing as if all answers are already there
And all else but one's desires are futile