Monday, February 28, 2011

Music: For The World

If I were a piano
Would you sit down to play
Plunk my black and white strings
Empower the minds behind ears of others
When you walk away another shall stand
But forever my keys remember your melody

Sink your fingers deep
Until theirs little left to see
Scream octaves far too high above
Until your voice is a hoarse catastrophe
Maybe you'll rescue a soul
From the brink of death
Or better yet hell

If I were a shovel
Would you strike me into the ground
Shift the dying earth beneath your feet
Carving homes for both the living and dead
Blessed to continue by the smiles of children
Covered in earth's, Her dust and decay

Sink your fingers deep upon the keys
Until stumps like amputees are all we see
Scream octaves empowered by love too high above
Until your voice is a hoarse hurricane catastrophe
Paint fields without land mines an attainable picture
Until your mind is overcome with visions of another's pain
Build an empire of vinyl huts for children you won't meet
Until your body is as a slave's weak and overthrown
Maybe you'll rescue just one from the brinks of hell

Spouted verbal ink to blank pages
Which bore an endless list of names
Not a single person effected shall I meet
Strokes of mercy and anger that I betray
Belief in the unity of diversity and suffering
My mind writes ever on amidst a constant state of decay
An endless horizon of wounded and children meandering
Towards an empire where democracy claims to have won
But forgot about their outside comfort importers
Slaves to a debt we will never waive

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Like Heaven Like Church

I'm afraid
That when I get their
They let me in at first
But just like church
After a second glance
They kick you out

So it is in heaven
I fear this every night
Before I sleep should I die
Acceptance is a knot we choke

Is God like the fickle man
Wanting me to wear a tie
Demanding for eyes I must change
Well if He is, fuck it all
Heaven can kick me out

On earth as it is
Shall be in heaven
I fear this late at night
Before I sleep should I die
The divide is built within
A mental discipline
Against all

God gave man his fickle way
Acceptance based on appearance
A pressed suite and matching tie
Demands met for the mentality of the eyes
A setup for an internal struggle at heaven doors
The Devil's hell an auditorium of purest white
Where the suites can walk together on parade
Heaven is interested on the mental state
So just lay down in peace
Your weary head

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Final Match

Lit to burn the fuel river
All ye son's of earth
Scorch creation daily
Technology enables this
The possibility of soil slavery

What we thought wasn't best
Nothing underneath our feet is forever
Someday the source will be just gone
Yet we still scorch creation
Scorch creation

Built to storm bullets like rain
All ye ammunitions of generations
Scorch the earth and all it's creatures
Intellegence wrong we bombed mere children
Open the documents prepared for deniability

What we believed has died away
Nothing we prepare can ever compare
To the unique environements of creation
Her vast eco systems scorched forever
We Scorch creation

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Finally you said
It has to end
Such a crock all you said
That we'd grow old together
But instead you've left

Bullshit all you said
Fuck you this is for the best
Things can last forever
Strange is the failed attempt

Lead me on in love
I believe it would always be
Just me and you forever
Until the whispers torture me in the quiet

Finally you said
It has to end
Such a crock all you said
That some how it's for the best
Now our bed is empty and cold

Lead me on
I believe what appealed to love
Just me and you my source of life
Until the quiet whispers torture me with rage

Bullshit all you said
Fuck you this is for the best
Things can last forever
Strange how love could ever be a failed attempt

Blood like Reign

Blood like rain forms an eclipse
The sun hidden behind the vile cloud
In this moment alone I feel guilty
At it's dawning I shall vanish indeed
The power of light screams the minions of dark

I stand beside her
The demon dressed in gray
An earth born witch
Whom resides behind the north wind
Praying for a constant reign
To end the embrace of toxic times

Void the sun the stars I desire to see
Man kinds toxic blood forms the rain
Polluted by the choices he loved to make
Come the wind oh violent stormy night
In the end even God closes our eyes
As the sun dawns as dust I reside

I stand beside her
The demon dressed in gray
An earth born angel and a witch
Whom resides behind the north wind
Praying for a constant reign
To end these toxic times

Trading blood for the reign of democracy
The son's future hidden behind endless clouds
In this moment alone I feel most angry
We drew up plans to dismount the sovereign
But we linger to boarders and evil claims
That justice resides for those behind

Brand each other
Marks now equal unity
Boarders exist within the mind
Colour and shapes divide
Tolerate the unique
But fuck, only on TV