Monday, February 28, 2011

Music: For The World

If I were a piano
Would you sit down to play
Plunk my black and white strings
Empower the minds behind ears of others
When you walk away another shall stand
But forever my keys remember your melody

Sink your fingers deep
Until theirs little left to see
Scream octaves far too high above
Until your voice is a hoarse catastrophe
Maybe you'll rescue a soul
From the brink of death
Or better yet hell

If I were a shovel
Would you strike me into the ground
Shift the dying earth beneath your feet
Carving homes for both the living and dead
Blessed to continue by the smiles of children
Covered in earth's, Her dust and decay

Sink your fingers deep upon the keys
Until stumps like amputees are all we see
Scream octaves empowered by love too high above
Until your voice is a hoarse hurricane catastrophe
Paint fields without land mines an attainable picture
Until your mind is overcome with visions of another's pain
Build an empire of vinyl huts for children you won't meet
Until your body is as a slave's weak and overthrown
Maybe you'll rescue just one from the brinks of hell

Spouted verbal ink to blank pages
Which bore an endless list of names
Not a single person effected shall I meet
Strokes of mercy and anger that I betray
Belief in the unity of diversity and suffering
My mind writes ever on amidst a constant state of decay
An endless horizon of wounded and children meandering
Towards an empire where democracy claims to have won
But forgot about their outside comfort importers
Slaves to a debt we will never waive


Darci said...

I love the imagery of your first verse. <3