Sunday, February 27, 2011

Like Heaven Like Church

I'm afraid
That when I get their
They let me in at first
But just like church
After a second glance
They kick you out

So it is in heaven
I fear this every night
Before I sleep should I die
Acceptance is a knot we choke

Is God like the fickle man
Wanting me to wear a tie
Demanding for eyes I must change
Well if He is, fuck it all
Heaven can kick me out

On earth as it is
Shall be in heaven
I fear this late at night
Before I sleep should I die
The divide is built within
A mental discipline
Against all

God gave man his fickle way
Acceptance based on appearance
A pressed suite and matching tie
Demands met for the mentality of the eyes
A setup for an internal struggle at heaven doors
The Devil's hell an auditorium of purest white
Where the suites can walk together on parade
Heaven is interested on the mental state
So just lay down in peace
Your weary head