Dearest Animals,
As 1984 Leaders you: suffer this Orwellian world under your equinox toxic protocol eye verbal stare of willingly abusive witness blind feet, Stomping the silent bottom employment's totem blunt pole of three month force(d) moral defunct assurance security abduction: rate of deposited grave enlisted shift yard parole, A broken engine blood 100% down, Production induced enslavement procedure monitored line manager up, To monotonously micro meticulously mechanically inhuman self-engine follow, Lest ye fail the spineless 90% scrutinizing hover sovereign attention over the shoulder employment days under the occupation theorem of your puny status ladder online irreversible storage updates of life.
How were you given the opportunity to over sea people, when you have no soft people skills? Don't explain yourself, I'm not daft, University educated yet treated as witless as you attempt to micromanage the simplified documentation on the wall in front of me, in plain diagram to follow text, tasks! A below average primordial dimwitted teenager derelict of consciousness could make ease of this!
You must have been a brown clause nose adopted member of managerial infected greed children of the cosmic hive profit only matters like sick minded reality alignment. Don't dare you begin to tell me the story of how long you've been with the company, that you deserve to be where you are. Nothing matters beyond your nose unless its the grotesque bear form ass of your boss you've been suckling at for the past age of your life, especially how you profess to care about employees below your social malignant stigma intolerance status.
Dire circumstance dice, Snake tattooed slave rolled in permanent epidermis ink, Undeniably desperate to feed its lonely teenage wrong time offended sons battling younger sibling daughters, Both at captive home protesting this right of chapter life: Baby-illicit lost time sitting. Existing in the deluge of amputated shameless conscience man morality hole down managerial bleed out staff, Troll under the secret 90 day employment parole toll ageing fifty year work bridge, Holding onto the clause of retirement's age 55 early death restricted denied hope access! Stealing all its subordinate marionette's eternally supposedly equal liberties, Replacing them with a conscious green over black screen matrix text sedation, A hyper everyone must click link. All the while saluting a god wearing Gucci greed do nothing in the end goggles, who stores folders of fodder's files in a Prada leather soul burdened manifest profit destiny blessed bag.
It is a thousand leaps and toxic foot print bounds that you've found your way into this managerial role! A swollen God Damned the world inside your swollen buzzard all must procedurally follow the status bloated quo plague example of your hand chain of me command mouth spouting hate blame the victim speech tongue regurgitating hateful spite intolerance straight from your vulture skeletal white husk cross tattooed gut.
How do you live with your intolerable immoral confident yet conviction-less, self in the mirror? Are you so white tumour inner placid, raise no compassionate finger, eye blind? How can you treat the puppets at your feet this historically recorded slavery way, you repeat daily... Do you not see the fear for their ability to feed their families behind their subjugated submissive servitude eyes as they twelve hour shift days work as slaves for meagre wages... Does nothing give your gut an awful ache? I bet you instantly change the channel or walk away in rage that you've just intolerably suffered to witness a child televised starving, in a charitable request or journalistic way!
Well surprise mother illegitimate power drunk trip f*cker! I get it, you've been complacent in this position too long of holding on to other people's derelict bulimic self esteem dignity in the top tier for too long, now 'Manager' is now built in. You can't see it's graft to the failure that is your personality, I mean to say that nature's moral trench is a wreckage and it's in part thanks to people like the lion in you, desiring to tame everyone in sight.
It's a hard self confession pill of a rock to swallow, the fact that atonement's clause will never be yours. The epidermis habitat cocoon that is everything about you is against humanity, indeed you empower an early coffin grave for a young father, your yard is his prison. For the ideals your hope once conjured no longer ring any matter of profitable fact true!
We, the proletariat harbingers, are now more educated, adaptable and better at the 'job,' you profess to do. Upon our backs does your malignantly cancer spread, unfortunately we're too weary from our daily bleed grind to life the remnants of our fingers to supposedly democratic vote against you. We acknowledge who runs this world and it isn't our benign governments. Because you're stuck in an ancient vibe of process that's no longer necessary, our education system no longer needs to fill it's shell with like no minded drones once reserved for the corporations that desire their 'any office to coffee shop we own this space,' everyone mustn't be exactly the sedated same.
Save hum-beat the old-drum animals proclaiming themselves defiant still, as if leaders.
In earnest anticipation of,
Our Freedom
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Malefic Procedure Condescending Managers 2.0
Posted by The Villain at 1:23 PM
Labels: Algorithymns , Algorithymns Poetry , domesticviolence , Juton , micropoem , Micropoetry , Poetry , PoetryCypher , rape , victimblaming , Villain of Truth , Villainoftruth , Villainous Times
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