Once forever after upon...
A timeless empty stolen chest made of a skeletal hidden below an epidermis cocoon beheld the excavation of air, Life slowly white fairy hope tale miraged an escape during the mythical parade of obsidian devouring trolls thieving our wills as their meals... Hidden behind a camouflage index of an invented monster's malignant cancerous reflection of pain... Inside our mirrors.
In lieu of our participation of,
Forgetting to taste what we feel
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Guarding Gravity... II
Posted by The Villain at 12:00 AM
Labels: Algorithymns , Algorithymns Poetry , Juton , Mental Health , Micropoetry , Poetry , Social Stigma , Spoken Word , Spoken Word University , Villain of Truth , Villainoftruth , Villainous Times
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