Friday, February 7, 2014

767 Fallen Down Blue in the Face Syndrome (Apple Preview I)

Degenerate 21
Hereditary altercation
Would be parents fallacy
Acting on life's diagnostic stage
Narrow view of our god's image redefined
Failed regulated right to life's health check up
Cleansing our Father in heaven chromosome prayer
Genetic disorderly prenatal screening opted misconduct
Fallen blue face struggling to breath face down apple syndrome
Cure for an unavoidably daily wounded mother's heart sick detour of thought
Vocal no more than a singularity moment's never answered thank God wish
Umbilical chords strangling prayers of children by blood's own hands
Academy of cursed angels voice boxes singing holy fire spells
Casting oracle seer's no future for kid killer's incantations
Invoked upon selfish unspoken hive greedy mind psalms
Vomited spiritually defining juncture of spoken words
Gesture messages in a bottle to heaven minted sent
Eternal habitat ran out of hallowed supplies
Bearing the metallic titanium bone weight
Of amputated womb prayer attempts
At selling a child's untested soul
Into hell's unending traffic
Or a divine purgatory
Ghost town colony
A forever prison
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