Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hive Mind XxxX IX

Crash addiction landing,

       Survival of the manipulative fittest champions of vacant profit no street but endless dollar bound derelict righteous abusive hand swing above the sinking line Lisa whose captain laced the hook to sink every opposing stance but the submissive mimes of greed, who revolted in the so over moral trench play war ground of debt's  noose unto anchor thrown over the unforecasted side of Medusa; inhumanity's avarice harpoon sinking heart enthroned with apathy ship that swore an oath to turn a blind over the shoulder never eye plead the degree of five times the losses no paper falsify shredded trail ever witnessed half a raised eye spectacle down to render inept at sight glance down an evil nose at the  last civilian never raises a voice but to protest death casualties.

In earnest anticipation of,