Bicentennial eternal memory,
Ache driven f(r)iendless narcissist desperately commencing the ignition of hope in the after battle math no hope equation field of passion attempting to be as a wondrously perishing faith ocean realigning the hollow sphere of love's morally derelict never accountably libel courage from the inner lucid pain sanctum eye oblivion constantly denouncing images of a lost phantom limb; Entitled 'heart' where dreams actuate our compasses to an oblivion string unfathomable hope theory's distant nether reality...
For life is meaningless without her! Despite the traumatically abusive malignant distance of eternity to earth speech of breath's algorithms still find my lips, Which shall never kiss again, For there was hope and dignity in the vows we declared, Is all retention of hope lost in the silent epidermis communication of their breaking?
Never homeless impression of radiance defiance tested the tormented sea of apostate living 'in faithfully love' again, The mistakes of this moth's inhumane butterfly caste dying cocoon will never lust protagonising itself as love disavow via the heat of bliss the fallen ashes of flames held upon my finger eternally is the towering oak cross forever one harnessed by an ring vow I carry. Not as one guilty, but as one accountable against the depravity by upholding a sacred loyalty!
My heart was made to infinitely grieve with the courage of words as they find the life maladjusted stream to our magnificently hollow contagiously maleficent society towering above us... and indeed, the fallen never buried acorn that is me.
In earnest anticipation of,
Finding phantoms of thought
After savouring Death's finality touch
A last sweet lingering impression kiss on earth
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Her... X
Posted by The Villain at 12:00 AM
Labels: Algorithymns , Algorithymns Poetry , Juton , Mental Health , Micropoetry , Poetry , Social Stigma , Spoken Word , Spoken Word University , Villain of Truth , Villainoftruth , Villainous Times
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