Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hive Mind: Nurture unto Nature...

Unhappy intention,

      Groping as tears for that which numbs the terrorizing cold ache of realization held captive in the throat, Throttling the divulging of misery upon inheriting the waking curse, To arise above the conscious divide... To choose between wounded yet intent on offering more to others than what's granted by libel's disingenuous monetary tokens and sleeping as rife volatile rats amidst rotten pleasures, Which only bring the momentarily intoxicating regimes of lucid amusements... As this sand castling world suffers until dry, Our nature to assist the smiles of others is reigned in by the arrogance of our despicable nurture: To please only the self, This is the worst and most contagious disease! 

In lieu of our participation of,
Sleeping while awake