Friday, December 11, 2015

Maleficent Condescension: Crawling One

Slithering across redemption, 

     Bearing so illegitimate weight cross handed arrogant blind suffering's ignorant work despicable load down to the karma numb from starving, Withering under time's eternal cursed bombs we've laid... 

     None wither save the harbinger deluge of our defilements of grace before the mirror, As even the most remote anger beyond our forgotten shames cry out! Heaving empty sky line ward prayers against this apathetic battle we're problematically sponsoring with delusions of angst at injustice in our shining best mental disquiet pacifist curtain self credit solitary tone infirmary deaf taught moments spent on bent knees! 

      Willing to ask help and miracles for blood, relations, kin and friend... But not this sand castling world we've gifted with brokenness!

In lieu of our participation in,
Tasting the essence