Monday, March 16, 2009

The I in Dream

You act how desire dictates enabled you respond
Forgot deep down there is a should, in how we react
Its how comfortably we believe
That gives us in to desires never to return

Once upon a, I dream
Crowded in simplicity, I dream
However ugly, I dream
How should it be, I dream

The agreeable image of morality
Is only interpreted now as a dream
Desires of lust for hollow loves
Deep within us growing strong

I dream of these
Of chivalry, I dream
Of crowded minds
Full of apathy for all
How could this ever be
Alas it is but inside
It is of this I dream

My desire is to proceed
To the lullaby breakdown
Enabling us to become what we should be
A vampiric contagion in a touch
We pass on a new interpretation of the dream

Fuck the comfortable ignorance dream
Fuck the American anti equality dream
Fuck the apathy of the corporate dream
Fuck whatever it is holding you back
From examining the nightmare behind this dream
Chivalry for integrity, and morality grasp now
Or to ignorance return

If you push me I'll proceed onto
The next level of verbal violence
Against your harboring hearts of comfortable circumstance