Monday, April 27, 2009

God's Code of Honor

With the disgrace that I am
I wash my hands clean of your God
Your vision of His acceptance is just too keen
It burns His code of honor and you never turned back
People walk through your doors
And leave wishing they could die now

Because they didn't meet your external status
You forgot that even a shattered life is sacred
That even the most filthy child is heaven sent
But because of your lack of internal acceptance
They desire to deliver their lives up unto the ocean

So dream on of outward beauty
Place in it all your security
God will shake your every wish
Until you die or choose to love freely

I look at the church
The vast image throughout time
And wish this day I could die
We ruined the greatest code of honor
And I know unless united as one creation
We can never hope to get it back

If this is how your God thinks
Go on spreading your damnation
I'd rather die than conform in order to exist
Amongst a congregation of those already dead

How did you all forget the most awesome fact
Everything that hath breath is sacred
You ignorant fuckers ruined God's code of honor
Never shall your hearts return to love! No turning back
Rummage now and forever within your hearts of death

Fuck your so called Christian version of acceptance
Its not from your internal or heart senses
But built on the external viewing of mental preferences
Remember God's chosen are all the living
So stop rummaging around in circles so dead set

Even God changed upon Christ's death
Acknowledge a skeptical mind of choice
And choose to change or rummage forever away
Living forever in an internal hell until everlasting death

I look at the church
The vast image throughout time
And wish I could die this day
We ruined the greatest code of honor
And I know unless united as one creation
We can never hope to get it back