Sunday, November 6, 2011

Apprentice of Torment

A worthy opponent is my apprentice
A selfish wanderer indulging in prejudice
Longing to achieve victory via my murder
Guilt will be his endless mantle
Eternal burden of ignorance

Forget history’s pages of wisdom
Everlasting quotes of human shame
Warfare achieved today’s corporate comfort
An overhaul occupation is necessary
To rid this world of selfish evils

Satan doesn’t have to wake up
We adore his ways & his self-help fate
Self-consciousness never gives way to awareness
No victory achieved amidst the wandering
Only judgement & a vast comparison
Of our preoccupied human depravity

Forget history’s pages of wisdom
Everlasting quotes of human shame
Unquestioned warfare achieved our comfort
Corporate inhaling of our willing ignorance
An overhaul occupation is necessary
To rid this world of selfish evils