Sunday, January 8, 2012

Church Music High

Breach of commandments
Verbal conflict sung with passion
Men & women teaching children to sing
That God is a feeling just like sex
A church high prostitute

Souls praying for a high
Intoxication of a supreme being
God denies the demon like request
Music to edify or exalt never a grope
No fondle caresseve stroke for a high
An attempt to convict God is real by sense

Commitment to invest
In the divine if you feel Him
Each week renewed while singing
If He forgets to acknowledge the high
Then you'll deny him & fly back to the storm

Children raised on a high
Divine plea equal rights to life
Will given to greed & pleasure
The very moment God high died
Turning to cop a feel on digital dolls
Women they'd rather molest than adore
Moral infants following their parents