Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Indestructible Picture

Hand crafted something indestructible
Priceless & bloody a stump carries a cross
Stem cell sword crumbles to dust
f*cked up from the pyre
Cremated child's life

Innocent picture in my head
Waited for all my life
Selfishness denied
Sweet relief of choice
Traumatic sorrow's depths

Familiar found me
Clung as fear of a memory
Lingering about an unmarked grave
Of somethind hand crafted & indestructible

Innocent soul in my heart
Waitied all my life for you
Selfishly you were denied
Sweet relief of choice
Trauma embedded
Birth welcomes you
In dreams

Nothing ends the picture
Of a name without body
Memory within me heart
Stuck in downcast head
Eternally for all my life

In my head beats your heart
Dance the indestructable dream
Dilema of altering all of time
Only desire of my life

Daily picture in my head
Sweet relief from the view
Momory within my heart
Alter the perception of life
Beat your soul in the gray
A city beyond this world
Equality for souls
Free me