Friday, June 8, 2012

Morning After (A Pill Choice)

No mourning after pill
Donor not around to blame
Woke up from the numb
One night sensation
No failsafe method
Only a trigger

Said goodbye to the world
Endorsed a hello to pleasure
Forget the social stresses
Welcomed intoxication
Of sexual endeavours
Await the aftermath
Mourning after

Short audio edit skirt
Tantalizing eye provocation
Prey upon such an easy date
Sneak out the mourning after
Awaken to an aftershock pill
Ineffective self to blame

Said goodbye to the world
Endorsed a broad spectrum hello
Sexual stress relieving pleasure
Forget the consequences
Welcome intoxication
Penetrating seizure
Orgasm achieved
Single digit sex

No mourning after pill
Donor not around to blame
Woke up bleeding out
Period drunken sex
Inception happens

Said goodbye to the world
Hello to sexually induced pleasure
Single orgasm night stress relief
Forget the consequences
Welcomed intoxication
Penetrating seizure
Orgasm achieved
Single digit sex

No mourning after pill
Wish he was impotent
Douche bag donor hero
Sponsor of a new life
He could care less

Said Hello to the world
Newly born unaborted child
Single digit orgasm night product
Pleasure induced stress relief
Live with consequence
Blessing of new life
Intoxicating curse
Her smile is...
No regrets