Leaked every ounce of self upon a concrete introduction to truth serum floor,Bled incoherent anit-logic history until my mouth clotted up!
Societal tolerance is a rampant lust for ignorance guised in disregard,So let the classification of every form of comparison begin,War veil!
Relentless propaganda broke the damn of compassion,Open arms now embrace disregard,Willingly closed eyes to casualties upon their door step!
Oddity of the human condition,Every single digit lifted fist against prejudice via my poetic Tweet messages was crafted from my villain mind
Anti depressant drugs like pain killers cause chemical reactions,Faith you prescribe to resounds your verbiage into madness as you're dying!
Faith is not an absolute,Cure for every shadow regime of our human condition symptoms of death,Construct of spirituality has come undone...!
Faith isn't like drugs,Not a habitual intoxication crutch,Resolve next to nothing save a momentary artistic revelation,Forgot to write down!
Continue to walk this earth with a stammer in my poetic step broken anti hero mental state,Until I bleed every last word out & I'm dead.
Reattach myself to soul,Spiritual sober to comprehend the chemical scientific diagnosis of my bleed out & the faith I keep to persevere...
Didn't purchase awareness,Never wanted a conscience,Diet of guiltless selfishness bound by no blood loss for my comfort's casualties of war!
If tomorrow falls face forward on the failures of compassion's context for casualties we ignored,Then line me up for slave mentality murder!
Brought into conscious life only to request to die,Living with love's virtue is a grievance in a selfish world of corporate comfort slaves?!
Buyout compromise,Lives lost like land,Face of Mother Earth scrapped away as ashes & dust for corporate projected wall street veil gains!
Either shut up & die or dedicate yourself,Open arms to embrace ignorance or compassion imbued every moment awareness you must be relentless!
Un-uniquely alone,Return for Atrayu from grace,Stance dance to resolve faith,Spell reflect the self freak on a leash half blind mirror image
Defy to become exempt,A bitter scene realization,Arch your dreams to star gaze for all human eyes equality,Sadly transparent to society now!
My voice in dreams matters somewhere,Inspiring compassion to consider saving self or other souls,Closer to nothing 'matter' than ever before
Nightmarish sleep reverie discontent,Silence amidst this halloween human condition my tragic crime,Floor myself to the metal,Knife penetrates my final thoughts,Sound calls me.
Forever push for destiny whilst you waited for a sunshine surprise miracles of a perfectly fashioned debt free life,Casualties never avoided
If God exists in the vast empty void of the universe,She's rooting for us whilst eaves dropping on our solar system,Red right hand reach out
Trapped in the power of music,Classical crescendos adorn my complex at eves drop,Sound byte pulses confirming I'm awake,Alive & uninvisible!
Final chance before Im closer to death than ever before,Dreamscape vision of music infused conscience,Crescendo compassion over the universe
Stay for forever,Or at least until tomorrow,Even if she never comes again,Solitude's unbearable sounds craft a silent prison I cannot escape
Laugh through the cold steal,Immortal bars of steal never crumble,Grey colourless puppets of long forgotten masters,Hide my words in a tomb!
Permanent hell alive,Distorted self mirror version,Inaudible words projected into the void,Invisible wonderer devoid of laughter's mortality
Gardens of transmutation butterfly flowers,Cocoons adorn the hue of grey,Worth is in the foliage,Even if they never blossom,Cold beauty!
Just require another human being to smile at me once in a while,Vacant I wonder the streets flushing out the coffin's toxins,Barely survivie
Feed the crow's corpse dreams amidst my vacant white eyes,No chalk outline in the haze,Reverse societal bomb shell,Self explosion I die..?
Rewind my own self shed blood history,Take back my existence,1st 25 years of Wall Street propaganda via media lies,Betray myself to truth...
Canvas conveys my temperament,Wailing amidst warfare,Landmine amputees poisoned future for our debt quality of life,For casualties I weep!
Hammer head childhood tomb canvas upon my skull,Alien quadrilogy conveys my dome scope for past mental apathy,Heart now pulses for 'fire...'
Single Digit Fist adorns my stump wrist comparison to un-amputee debt victims,Diagnosis relieved to notice my blue pill enslavement is over.
All humanity live forever in Equality Universal,I'll exist the villain saying 'I've aligned myself with Satan,'Scapegoat for neglected play.
Derelict worthiness displayed,Unimaginable state of lich decay,No memory of the living I used to be,Betrayed for a sake beyond capacity...?
No one shall ever scream or even say 'come back' a beckoning call after my eulogy for a chalk outline body on display,Debt word of life paid
Metal double fist digits,No Single Digit fist anger display to avoid agitation,Relinquish myself invisible,No part in the deception of debt.
Renegade alienated xenomorph,Cold toxic blood stain upon my own solace soul,Statement of my solitude mine craft projectile sent every day.
Forlorn,Bully to damage done self-esteem,Get the F*ck down bombshell of digital troll manifested bullying chaos unavoidable incoming daily!
(failure of odds)
Damage equated too deep,Failed odds to overcome,Eclectic romantic aftermath with school yard date personality rape drugs socially accepted!
Anorexic-x-anti-hero watching invisible from a digital IP path in the sky,Network link to Zelda's Tri-Force,Mario painted me back to life...
The Villain's humanity is bound to his truth personality,To detach either is to achieve death,Want a husk comfort f(r)iend,Buy a mannequin!
Reawaken into the debt manifesto of Wall Street is our daily crime,No needles to intoxicate necessary,Our dreams of comfort all they need.
Cut my tongue off as I beseech the zerg to desist debt propaganda of our comfort society,Kerrigan smiled,Hydralisks spawned to bleed me dry!
Equinox of guilt,Second birth disgust for my past avid apathy of ignorant acceptance,Shameful debt existence indulgence I...Now loathe thee
Xenomorph body dismorphia next generation star to earth trek apocalypse,Prometheus salvage a saviour mission endorsed,Impending earth death!
Don't ask don't tell government issued distorted apology for a persistent hate to ignorance filled resistance to stars aligning for equality
Mortar fire vampire taste for inequality's rampant in vogue magazine to teli-add blood,Take our Human Rights from debt propaganda back!
Existing behind a veil of pain,No one ever asks,So I shan't tell of the grim solitude & invisibility of my dialogue to humanity on display!
Taste the blood behind my lip as its flowing,Rage stole my secondary jaw's fangs to destroy the mirror behind which my human mask resides!
Avail myself white curtain stained amputee of soul parts red,Rights belief blood clot must end in order to exist in peace in this society.
Too far a dust cloud drifting aloft from any of you,I got laid in death,The last time in dreams as heaven swept me behind its burning bushes
Knock again & again,Reformat the digital door via voted manifest but I'm not home,Caught adrift behind the dreams of equality in the stars.
Beseech my body to come back,Pray for a ticket that doesn't exist,Faith is equal to nothing against 'God's' destiny,Even in my car crash...?
Half Trance Infused Metal, Inspiring Equality in me! I rage a single digit fist into the air for the sake of the shunned, the abused, the raped the amputees of mortar fire & mine fields left over from our debt to wake world wars!
I shall hide my truth of self awareness for soul destiny's sake behind no stone!
Glad a 'Zombie' came back,I'd never survive a second in hell behind a closed tomb stone,For equality He contained death as was foretold...?
Death called chants spell bound my soul for... Amidst a trance to metal infusion of progressive self awareness lyrics,Therein I found life.
I'm a contaminated version of what lay three days behind the stone,Message me amidst the grumblings of the final eclipse,Apocalypse is metal
I'm a contaminated version of what lay three days behind the stone,Controversial human three logical digression path to explain existence...
Jillian smiled @ Juton as he tanked the final message,Toxic debt swarm of propaganda,Zerg infested corpse explosion overwhelming my humanity
I bear no marionette puppeteer or perspective personality gain mask,A poetic guitar to piano intoxicated musical hero blessed with solitude?
Double metal rage pummel snare pedal,Hate myself as you hate me,Not easy being a villain playing wizards of debt vs warriors for equality!
Walk half blind before the end into a cave,Bury myself without eulogy,Last effort rolled myself in behind a stone,Tomb as if made in Rome!
Raise the signal digit to Satanic metal infused fist,Last sign of the red dawn stained day,Not our rage but debt's warfare worldwide,A shame
Hide behind your burning bush 'god' claim to fame & I'm continue to prescribe equality universal on behalf of the amputees & victims of...!
Wake me up when Im dead,Succumb to the succubus' final temptation,My final act a choice free willed choice to end my solitude,She's my crime
Uneasy,As I thought,Too uncomfortable to read let alone respond,Villain of truth more like villain of solitude,Inspire yourself to survive?!
Equality was arised from the three digit day of hell stone,Sadly this is not the case,Hatred dominates humanity forever more,Oh 'Zombie...'
pPppeople play games with the villain,Until logic & grammar to spelling set in,Then they desire to be left alone,Truth is dead like chivalry
Suicide escape,Walk away from the world,Hate empassions them to discard all moral codes for greed's sake the transpose their conscience dead
Curve:The grandest distance between two lines,Breasts or buttox no vigilante of chivalry men survive,New moral code for desire above all...?
Sapphire to ocean blue sprays the landscape as I reach for her,Chrono Trigger inside your pocket,Beautiful please hand over the luminous!?!
Villainous insanity burn truth on the back of my tongue,Silence is all I've ever known,Accept the propaganda & get out of jail free secrets?
Where for art thee oh majestic maiden,See you in the sea of memories tomorrow,Alas my fate prescription is solace in solitude's crescendo!
Too far into invisible's view for an anonymous transaction,Dreamscape I no longer hide behind,Survival instinct bound to equality via poetry
Don't ask...I'll have you know 'the tell,'Invisible war of inequality & rape to molestation cover up on foreign grounds of again & again...!
Not a living cell shall contest my demise,Don't describe the poetic metaphors for symbols I transcribed,Comfortably denied alive & in death
Bunny f*ck hug my profile picture via an uploaded polaroid on facebook,Lust yourself off via vulgar blind eye phone calls for sexual motions
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Dry Responses
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