Tying time into closed loop,A doublethink circuit retest,Next generation reoccurring daily attempt at status,Failed to be socially accepted!
Living to die leave an invisible unsought mark behind,Onset of clarity's swelling impact too deep to seek,Apply doublethink like the weak!
Apocalypse of feelings in the heart,Compassion an abnormal remix of our broken self unto others acceptance,Rewrite our veil of tolerance.
Blue collar underground addict,Habitual labour force scar canvass of skin in the aftermath of contaminated land mines blowing in the wind...
Painful experience facilitated for cum contaminated energy,Flux my orifice a witness to a sexual attack,Illegitimate devious orgasm was won.
Refried brain wall splatter,Wisdom on hold in the aftermath of a million hours of convened conformity of senses to appease clique tombs!
Don't need a hook about a girl,Sex,Money or cars to like a song,Musical slave endorsing propaganda for corporate profit not wages of artists
Conflicted death adder strike pattern,Thought her emotionless venom crucified alive her petrified prey,Cocoon style zombie dinner plated!
Sorry my tank's odd mobility causes melee dps to weep,Healers beseech me 'stand still' with threats of a 'life's grip,'Prot leap off a cliff
Requesting fossilized children to be silent,Only chaos extorts in illogical reasoning,Asking archaeological sites to yield perfect specimens
Is being honestly advocative of your equality or compassion too much to exist amongst others? Must I roam f(r)iendless amidst humanity's sea
Coughing to truth against terrorist serum accepted along with cancer cell chemo murder,Mental illness chemical imbalance,Not just spiritual!
Honesty is incompatible of friendship,Surrender yourself to silent clique conformity or lose all the f(r)iends you think you've ever had!
Roll my beliefs behind an invisibility cloak,The tolerance you daily display is purely disguised malnourished ignorant form of disregard!
Too much imaginary tomorrow subject on the mind,Weighs an anchor upon today,Invisible tomorrow poisonous day dreams infect our today(s)!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Time Circuit!
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