25 years I grazed away on fields of debt following in the upward flow of the monetary mould,Woke up not for self but inequality universal.
Virtue of love is not the disease,Though we're inspired to long after said qualities,We aspire to follow a heart of hatred greed ladder.
Offer this apology for the first 25 years of my socialized demonic intoxicated bullied half offended nearly deranged lifestyle that enslaved
Dedicate to the unknown every moment,Writing until sleep doth impart,Even in sleep I struggle to survive,My words never heard,Is it a crime?
Too many work place uncovered job security threatened injuries,Now I walk stammer in my step,Not a hood wink thug swagger,A half spine death
Why would the bullied join the more than half hypocritical in post secondary institutions,Not cyber to face f*cked enough in school...?
Social disorder inflicted on my well of obsidian unfairly treated soul,Barely spared from cyber bullying mentalities,Yet still mocked by God
Life on a debt transaction hold,Awaiting the family soul sell off,Quicken the greed hand written company cheques to political endorsements!
It's the nerd in me to say,'At this point sarcasm / off,'Support the inequality land sold out from under feet victim surviving on refuse!
Follow me oh wall street rapists to the gallows where whilst still living I shall ignite for fire of equality you denied so peachy greedily!
Near death appendix suggests no early signs to seek shelter from the corporate casket cast by oil casualties I was blind until I saw banks!
Wave my arms wide open as single fire musket style rocket launchers tear my orchre charred flesh away,A brilliant tragic display of dying!
The solar flare of my undisclosed self affliction ignition has begun,Too long waved my arms abruptly air born as targets for the cartels!
Double digit crime uninterrupted by desire,Thought convicted mind monitored for equality's truth which is now viewed as corruption,Sad days!
Began the assault on destiny,Too long plagued by uncivilized romance with deception of ungotten virtue,Unfaithful raid boss assail positions
My consciousness sings to me,Drops pins & needle bombs upon my soul,Fate is unjust or fixed in a twilight age of destiny's forgotten choices
An invisible poet who knew it,periodic damage tolled the dismantling of hand bell,Disengaged the prose to rearranged all that I can be...!
When you find me unalive,Tell the truth already known to my x-wife,Anorexia-x-man mental illness stole all I ever wanted & dismantled me...
Inbox is full & the phone rung off the hook,Social media interaction compliance consumes me,LIES:No one ever wonders if I'ma robot or alive!
Stars availed beyond my window,Hands on neck face down & dry penetration without pillow leverage is tragic,Deep inside me justice is furious
Starve my soul,Closest friend I feigned ignorance of you far too long until you faded & I walked selfishly willing from your shallow grave.
Cast the spell of unadulterated acceptance love over this anorexic-x soul,All I ever wanted,Didn't even get caught up in social fun,Lonely.
Have I forgotten the truth cause,Has injustice been unfairly blinded by cursed selfish vision of Sargeras,Dreamless defy my intoxicated mind
Soul sings of the end of the world as ochre flame flickers to ash in my eyes,Maybe this last time I'll sleep dreamless,Injustice riddles me!
Orange snow plagues my face,Skyward glance resumed battle stance,Conglomerate cartels own All Streets,Casualty adorn earth for my society.
Farm not bio-fuel off my living slumber corpse,But blood be the vampire corporate cartel cold soul,Cage me a rat then enslave,Awaken one day
Sa'll right,I paper personality faked my life parade for meaningless experiences of fun away,Purchase anything to portray or comfort's sake!
Don't own our homes or even where our corpse will rest,Everything is debt bent rented for profit's sake,Double cross system,Ditch bury me!
Post ironic lightning rod of riddles ever verbally spent to confuse & dread fill the damned,Those who pretend their saved&tolerate injustice
Are we depraved of our human nature,First memory signals are of fairness,Yet we grow into adulthood burning equality alive,Pretend lives!
Take care to dissolve our instincts,Life is better when the inner demons of equality's survival swells of compassion snivel away near death
No need for sympathy,Our comfort hearts have atrophy from a contagion we induced ourselves with,A mentality of willingly intoxicated apathy!
Scratch my pen to digital paper,A finger key blood prick awakens liberation,Call my poetry discord or a disorder,I arise to write riddles...
A million mile world wide wind,Portal attention deficit time divided travel,Admit my insanity to walk straight,Appease no comfort solutions!
Forever uninvited to the party,Revere of echoed gossip propaganda as seen on TV,Heart beats don't equality you're alive,Unconscious slaves?!
No prayer restores what isn't hiding,Purpose filled mentality of denying,Origin of...Haunts us one & all,Yet love of virtue we neglect!Why?
Xenomorph gestation chest trauma,Dense cavities cultivate the contagion we voluntarily injected,We're already evil drones who'll not wake up
Next generation an enterprise of media propaganda depravity,Mission to graft illusions of comfort in debt grandeur into their hearts & minds
In death no heaven awaits,Elysium's untampered with solitary confinement eternity finds me,So I cradle my poetic dawning final voice moments
Hell mind as well take my hand,Final moments of fire light wherein I breath again,So far away from heaven's peer pressure humanity odometer.
Strangle an apocalypse upon my own eyes,Twin torment individual gauge out,Appease the eternal darkness of equality to finally breath again!
When I'm vanished will appeasement of comfort cover my scribble to riddle scribe written poetic vision work up,Then I return avidly to dust!
Was my life worthwhile at all,For a single wished for contortion of wicked complexion to smile have I held my breath too tightly,I'm mortal!
I offer nothing but a consciousness ever self unraveling,No contempt to rebuild an image,No personality but what's momentarily necessary!
Armada of unobtainable red,Sand infused crimson,Illegitimate donations of blood,Child sex traffic apprehension gone wrong,Never questioned!
Whatever it is they shall say I am,Certainly an enigma of riddles imbued with something...More than image or gain am I infused,God what am I
Sometimes I dream that I walk al lich alive in the apocalypse aftermath,Alone but satisfied lives contrived to impart an image are gone.
Invisible uncomfortable character unworthy of friends,Self afflicted from traumatic nearly dead anorexic experiences to equality's calling!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Grazing (Tweets)
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