Monday, June 23, 2014

Obstructing Rape's Justice V

Visibly discriminating,

       Phantom memory ache, Incapacitated down facing emotion rake of terror wish, Exploding callous barrel of chivalry's adopted hate, Lying in abduction wait, Over sexual tone cat & kinky mouse heirloom phone voice under sexual toned shadows, Portraying erotic second choice logic tension themes in lewd woven language mouth, A disgusting mental imposed surreal image docking in the hive wreaking gaunt intimate carnal havoc mind of a smutty customer obscenely raunchy service 3rd wanton party representative,

      Witnessed by willingly idle blind covert lust practising condom ring never fiancée worn artists, Pacifists until avarice's pleasure grey moral party experience desire sets wholly in, Empowering a tone incoherent perplexing mute rape pass, A morally deaf aggressive sexual hate advance of a confident masculinity project built within a mobile inhumane generation of husks.

         Grit bearing sex anxious harm teeth down venomously upon victims, Who come to see sexual cobra vampire fangs in the mouth of every man... 

In earnest anticipation of,
