Sunday, February 21, 2016

Maleficent Condescension: Post Healing I

Secret perfume,

      Kings and Queens abandoned her to the finger tips of misery, Caught up in the strangely wicked lit majesties reeking divinely golden secret waftings of fun, Their story to be publicly told was that it was love...   But the essence of her unholy triumphs were profoundly known to the broken she attempted throughout history to make fiercely whole, As an archon unto her former glory was the light trapped behind the dim contagions of grey and black hiding the glory inside the casualty wreckage of her angelic eyes, Cast winglessly out as a meteor of hope wrapped in tumours of insurmountable hatred, She disguised herself as but dreams, For which we all look up.

In lieu of our participation in,
Seeking the... While blubbering