Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Double Zero: Zero One IV

Mythical day expense,

    Nothingness approaches, My hate is tensionless in overdrive, An aftermath of the intellectual rush to be treacherously numb, We've witnessed silently in unison the unicorn of doom's desires, She who once sought equality amidst the our witless apostle war is nearly inaudible, The mythical darkness has won out against hope, Once dared eternally in infamy to merely exist, Yet naught but a Hitleresque grin adorning our harlequin future, Never bow before the fugitive wrought of fire and dust said to have ashes we're formed in, Our submissions of unquestioning souvenir worship formulating a reprieve from the human narrative, While our silent bent anecdotal first privileged world  As morality's nature gives way to greed's nurture banked approach, We're scared to contrive our wills against the fringe molesting hope forces, We're too rich to feel poor until we prey...!

In lieu of our participation in,
Harbouring equality,
Most naturally!