Friday, January 26, 2018

Untitled Hymn II

Neo(n) tilted vision,

     Dishonest anger muted full panic stop prison unopen vagrant nature's become our  maleficent avarice chorus impressionably orphaned to nurture's disproportionately unnatural influenced by covetous choices, Born misogynistic premeditated parenthood woven youth we're meant to follow, Supposed thrill bind is the inner dignity orphaned eye, The vigilant subversive vulture gene architect distort scattered the force energy inside we've illegitimate neglect of defiance unquestionably adopted, A future algorithm forecasting our disgraced keep silent dignity night could have disrupted with mirrored dreams dismantling via greed the mere souvenir manipulated landscape of wishes we've come to faithfully adore.

In lieu of our participation in,
The concrete jungles' panic