Friday, October 23, 2009


I glorify the unseen
By means of an eternally hidden denied
For the rythem of equality shall I die
But in doing so walk alone into depths where evil abides
Confronted by an edge so fine I cannot decide

Subjected Satan spawn to Lucifer shall I return
For a God would never allow the creation of one like me
Judged so completely sent alone into the realms of hell
Solitude broken by the evil one's greeting smile

For my dream's sake they stole my sun
No hope for a future alone I'm shunned
But I'm okay with existing in the darkness of midnight's arms
Her eyes shall ever abide my smile reflecting its image
I purchase her gaze with a faith with a negative hope balance outstanding
Soul struck by flavours of what I should never find

Creep me into a violet greenhouse
Where I've been forever exiled like a disease
She the darkness lights my path with moonlit eyes
In this place I shall never find what I have ever desired

May your distance from my hurt be fulfilled forever
Grasp onto comfort as if you were lucky bearing such a smile
May your days be eternally filled with inner slumber
Bear forth no burden of consciousness for its discomfort
May you never be pillaged by the knowledge of who I really am
Indeed go forth into a dream state once again

Subjected Satan spawn to Lucifer shall I go
For out from evil shall the dust of self return
For a God would never allow the creation of one like me
Judged so completely sent alone into the realms of hell
Solitude broken by the evil one's greeting smile

While I sleep alone in the dirt like a peaceful child
Seeking along the path to nowhere
A place my soul shall forever be fulfilled within
Its not physical but a state in a hidden time
When the children of men shall throw away their price
To the current structure of acceptance shall we forever say goodnight

Destroy our mental images of a version of self that can't exist
Acceptance isn't held without but starts from defying the within
Deny the statements of broken labels that exist
Start afresh purchasing no assocations to save your life
Start down the path that leads to every & nowhere

Subjected Satan spawn to Lucifer shall I implore
Oh evil one for my soul end all wars
Let the peace of an eternal darkening day be discovered
Speek the words that lead mankind to a path going somewhere
I breath into the open sky I lay down my life for equalities incoming tide