Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sign of Life

Call me a child
Thin and gaunt
Attempting to be strong
Someday I hope to breath
To make someone feel right
See me as more than a faint sign of life

People look upon this young man
Lost but handsome in their world
A cold place of empty visions
lonely is his solidute in dreams

I show signs of slavery
Suite and tie office ornament
Black steel bow tie below nose ring
Piercing blue eyes betwixt silver lense
Above all the contagous smile

Call me a child thin and gaunt
Attempting to avoid more injury
All the landmines of your past
Attatched to marrionette strings
Judgement jury your own witness
Frustrations stealing my faint signs of life

I show signs of slavery
Suite and tie office ornament
Black steel bow tie below nose ring
Piercing blue eyes betwixt silver lense
Above all the contagous smile

I could be taught anything
Become a man with selfesteem
The man you need even for a while
Until your head is too filled with doubt
Look at me and say what's the difference
Just another hurtful picture of the past