Wednesday, October 9, 2013

767 A Broken Perfect Number Book of Short Poems


       Welcome to the 'launch party' of the Algorithymns Poetry² Director's first book. 767 A Broken Perfect Number on Amazon Kindle Store A Collection of short poems on mental health most of which can be found throughout this blog, but the book's poetic compilation is in a further draft from the raw editions found here.

      All projects distributed by Algorithymns Poetry² are craft with the aspirations of purpose; to offer hope whilst viewing the written poetic to prose events from another human being's shoes, even just for a brief moment, a single line or a mere word can trigger an inner conversation that can lead to the inspiration of the virtues of courage that are love.

     A rare form proposal, the poetry in all its digital mediums is first and above all to appreciate everyone, so that one day, even amidst tears, a smile of hope might shine; for a smile is like a droplet of water into a pond that can ripple down stream, effecting the whole sea of humanity.

     The major reality of love today is this, that we claim that we love another but... How can anyone say they love another if they don't accept them? How can you accept anyone if you don't understand them? How can you understand someone if you don't spend time with them... Quality time. Smiling!

     Art Healing is at the core of all Algorithymns Poetry² content, even if it is dark or spoken from the shadows. Inspiring hope through the courage to share, possibly not even with anyone but yourself, write down the issue of the heart at hand. Speak it aloud, possibly for the first time in your life, the progress of healing is accessible via a myriad of art forms, some don't even exist yet. They will be created tomorrow from the empathetic imagination engines of those who come after...

     So smile, like, share, crowdsource, support, donate the work as you feel moved to, for Algorithymns Poetry² is a legendary dream of unadulterated acceptance via presumptions or prejudice, the near sighted end of bullying and the dreary cultural trending of harmful delusion of social stigma.

In earnest anticipation of,