Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Shooting Time

Lost all control again
Intoxicating pleasures disgrace
My honourable examples of life
Staying longer won't avail me
I fell from whatever grace taught is
Its my providence now I'm designed to end
Today's breath my minds final terbulant act

I'd rather just fall down into my grave
Inspite of hallow loving words
Let me self destruct this is the way I go
Its up to me to find my own redemption
But my solution wrought a dead end
Along with your answers betrayed

Its time to go
Lost control once again
Today is my epidemic revolution
The hour I beseech the god's
For hosts and armies
That enable by gunshot my death
No seiece fire button to end

I'm so tired of anger
No more striving to live again
Let me give in
To my final temptation
I'd rather it be my death
Than not trust anyone once again

Where are the armies
I await the shooting
The vast bullets that shall never end
No more operations I shan't live on
No never again
This is it my friend
Let me go

I desire the piano's voice
In my last smoke filled
Self dictated moments