Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fatherhood of Cursing

You fucked up again
Blamed your son for hidden sins
Your such an unforgivable bastard
Beware the force of will erupting behind pain

The world and its temptations
They hold your mind, your flesh
We your children are the price, the cost
Welcome once again to the memories
Of your grand cursing day of placing blame

Crept through behind your deceit
In my childhood I was the weakness
Trembled in fear before your wrath
But now all I see in your eyes
Is blind belief in an empty stair
The images of the hell that awaits you
Or are you already there

You can't plead Satan's prompting
In Silence your weak hands gave into the calling
You entered the forests of impurity
The vastness of shame ridden with lust
You laid the foundation for the torment
In our future curse and separation we lament

The world and its temptations
They hold your mind, your flesh
We your children are the price, the cost
Welcome once again to the memories
Of your grand cursing day of placing blame

Now in my turmoil you judge me
Treachery behind foolish words at night
Out from a source of blind belief and pride
Can't have the shame of divorce in your family
Your blindness covers any conflict or pain inside of me
In the emptiness of opinion you clamor for more words
But you don't want to understand who I am
Or acknowledge what I'm searching for