Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Taste of Rules

With a taste for posterity
I follow not mankind's rules
Let not the homeless die in winter
No child a martyr for the mortar mines

So I play not
By mankind's inhuman rules
Society swallows live souls
Spitting them out suckled dry
Tormented shackled or half dead

An imbued urgency to achieve
Equality for future generations collectively
Carry the vagabond immobile amputee
Down wall-street before trade ends

How can you now change the channel on your TV
Ignore the local soil injustice no longer
Posterity is not security in money
But a complex living out of daily equality

So I play not
By mankind's inhuman rules
Society swallows live souls
Spitting them out suckled dry
Tormented shackled or half dead

So play not once or any other day
By society's imprinted immoral rules
She will swallow your will
Soul swollen in comfort till death

Triumphant the world wakens
Alive as if it were just dead
Living for the invisible wounds
We've crafted in society's progressive ease