Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Poetry & Podcast October 8th

Some of these poems are old,
Odes to another soul's  days,
Some remain in their first draft,
Raw and unedited for power's sake
Soon to be replaced with a second edition
Some are of the darkness while others are hopeful
Content in counter culture to current events
Use tale herein told
From an empathetic imagination
To heal, find hope, or inspiration
Or words for a wound long hidden
May the light of equality radiate
Ending prejudice and bullying

Tide Pool Hope

Swing dance theory of joy,Smiles upon the intoxicating floor where two become one,Breaking the chains of singularity where dreams are deadly

Breathe in the nectar,Unexpected liquid of a beauty we never knew,Glimpsing total war of debt against monetary confidence in our every...

Decoy sped over the air,Radio edit of what the believed in once said,Tie die the truth with splotches of marionette misleading propaganda...

Every turn in the debt labyrinth appears the identical,Greed stores the echo of your murdered dreams,Adhere to the surreal or be deceived...

Issue a daily address,Clowns ridicule the content,No stories told of sexual escapades or heroic grandeur,Simply put equality poetically 1st!

Hope:An ever constant falling leaf,Sinking in the human condition endorsed novel of endless war,A pathetic Psalm's promise has died,Tears...

Shelter your sons & daughters from the choices once made,Waited too long to imbue wisdom,You only enforce via power,Sad state in a blood war

In earnest anticipation of,