Friday, June 3, 2011

Habitat Humanity

This earth is not for me
Chivalry is meaningless and dead
A man and his code unwoven
Unworthy of living another breath
No one appreciates his life
Until after his tragic death

This civilization's beauty
A habitat not fit for a man like me
I appreciate what is nothing today
A story of victory over nothing
See me stand while I last

This tragic society starves me
A meaningless soldier of equality
Seen as or wished by history to be dead
Not some tragic poet hero to debt
To the world I am a widow spider
Words unwanted hidden in the dark

This city's clear vision
Is aware of nothing about me
Appreciate the day of my dying
I stare into the eyes of strangers
Seeking aid to benefit earth's future
Drowned in sorrow I strive onward
This is my last moment of chivalry
My hands reach for the dagger
So late in the darkness of night

The lost faith of the momentary
History remember the joy of patience
Enjoy my beard trimmed hair combed image
It is soon to be my last picture in your past
I have not the measure of courage to live
This world is beautiful but not for me
I gave it everything I ever was
Until fear swallowed my peace
And a fate I couldn't push
Knocked at my door