Monday, May 11, 2009

Against my Doctorate

First I sought out a diploma
Turns out that didn't qualify me
Corporate wanted a higher pedigree
As if from this paper my dreams will manifest

All this creation bow to your doctorate degree
We the lesser folks are walking 90% blind
Your tolerance and actions tell us you agree
What consequences pride in a paper shall breed

Secondly four more years I ran for a undergrad
Humility this course imbued deep within
Still those with more paper ridiculed me
Because my critical mind didn't blindly agree

I couldn't shut my mouth long
In a land where conformity is the decree
And we kill magnificent tree for whats in our minds
Something that can never be described or seen
Fuck the traditions which university papers breed
Generations from now will not count your degrees
What done in life will echo in another's life
Ever on as a whisper past into eternity

All these in creation bow to your doctorate degree
We the lesser folks are walking 90% blind
Your tolerance and actions tell us you agree
What consequences pride in a paper shall breed

Thirdly I fought mental tooth and theoretical nail
For a masters degree in English grammar
Just so I could rearrange it all to convey dreams
Lies tell us unless backed by credentials we won't be recognized
Justify my own imbued imagination abilities with paperwork
Saying I'm just going to write more predictable fantasy

For a doctorate degree I walked into a holy temple
Lacking freedom to think and all reality of equality
Were signed mandates create a new pedigree
Detached from our neighbors we've lost ourselves

Our last and only hope is to find peace as a sailing retiree
This is the greatest treason to the those who rise up next
We've lived our whole lives uncritical of unquestioned traditions
That we simply throw away in retirement in our old age
And for this we are then given our last degree
We are called a true intellectual because we finally live free
Strive for equality or sail of into the sea