Wednesday, May 27, 2009

God or Direction

Do I need a God or even a direction
To believe in before I confess my sins
Should I die without its just one man down
May I find my own world of bliss

I meditate to clear the eyes in my mind
But the pain awakens from a world inside
Soon to pinch the nerve ending in my neck
This comes about just in time
To swim in images of a long lost life

Parading in hell no reason to deny it
I fed the starving while you horded it all
Stealing maggot filled bread to justify the lie
Before a child's eyes you tolerate their downfall
How I wish my cancer would bring revenge
My death a moment of tragic unfocus upheaval

Do I need a God or even a direction
To believe in before I confess my sins
Should I die without its just one man down
May I find my own world of bliss

Open wide you fuck, every 3rd world dying life is your sign
Comfort is your everyday sin, an intolerable selfish lie
This is my final act of desperation
Strapped to a bed as the ambulance to the hospital flies
The focus to save my sickly sunken faced skeleton
Who above all desires even this partial drugged up comfort to end!!!!