Saturday, February 27, 2010

World Eater

I knew nothing would satisfy
That it was a mere matter of time
Before burning bridges blocked my ends
A structure of an all impending fallout

Create an empire
Ever on the rise
Built to embrace the wounded world
Shifting with predictions
To embrace this wounded world

Messengers sent to the four corners
Seven seas swallowed never to return
Slaughtered by the top loved by the bottom
Society chained labels and fees around their necks

As the empire rises
Built to carry the wounded world
Stripped naked and chained together
Stacked to bear the weight of the world

Create an empire
Ever on the evil dawn's rise
Built to capture the wounded world
Shifting laws to fit forcasted predictions
To capture this wounded world

Over and Over again

Broken relevance
Tormented tragedies
Singled out decisions
Verbal accusations over used

Now I've become my own victim
Once I felt accepted a disease of which I'm now cleaned
Severed ties from infectious familiars spouting guilt
The polarity of a single choice my future established has overcome

Forced to give back acceptance
For freely it was mine to have
It was the only thing I had left
But my life never was enough
To satisfy because I'm gay or made you cry

Wake up inside
Rather than claim ignorance or lie
Embrace the mistake ignite the guilt
Shame swallows sorrow as defiance dawns
But never forget though forgive the ill instances
That made you exist but never should have been

Forced to give back my acceptance
My speech impeded the freedom I shouldn't have
It was the only hopeful embrace I had left
But my life never was enough every choice I declined
To satisfy because I'm undeniably gay is that a crime

I'd give whats left in me for love
But not a scripted acceptance
Toss aside after a single mistake
I'd rather know I was never enough
Than find out later I was never loved
Acceptance granted on merit or view
Take away what was never mine to have

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shame Convict

Shame devours us
No counter will satisfy
Walk ever on digitally reprimanded
Unless I describe a story to back my crimes
I will not cater to obtain acceptance

I agree
I'm fucked up from the choices I made
I'm one for carrying onward
But now your judgements are standing in my way
Your words have no wieght yet to them you hold

Shame swallows
In the aftermath of an unjust trial
Based on the degredation and gossip you believe thus far
The tribunal sentenced but repentance you'll never physically see
So let life well enough alone just let me be

I agree very much indeed
I'm fucked up from the choices made
But I'm one for carrying determination onward
But now your judgements are standing in my way
Your words carry the wieght of your own world

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Lesser, the Weak, the Coroner

Snuff out the lesser the weak
Such a selfish way to think
So close to an intense insanity

The human skin tone downgrade
Son's listen to orders get away from them
Terminated contract put them into the dust
The future where we exist without regret

The coroner cares not
He was blasted fucking blind
For him the mystery is in the last breath
Not in how we label the human downgrade

Snuff out the lesser the weak
Such a forbidden way we think
So close to an intense insanity

Broken lips and bruised flesh
Youth beatings over sexual preference
A son's footsteps of a father's ignorance
Freedom for the blessed not the weak

The human skin-tone downgrade
Of this we must never believe

Like the coroner I wish I were blind
Born free of a malicious mental crime
For him the mystery is in the last breath
Not in how we labeled them
Into the human sexual preference, skin tone, income downgrade

Snuff out the lesser the weak
Such thinking must be unborn
So close to an open hatred intensity

The Life Login

Every time I login to life
Renewed is my overwhelming dread
Which accompanies me into the streets
A lonely march towards a bitter end

Every click revives my fears
Each key stroke of terror rings
Logins kill all of my remaining hope
Indeed my fears ring absolutely true

Each digit to a password pressed
Typed eyes closed wishing I were blind
Harmful justified judgement usually greats me
Melting holes in the pipelines of my dreams

Every click revives my fears
Each key stroke of terror rings
Logins kill all of my remaining hope
Indeed my fears ring absolutely true

All to easy to click and view
A portal to a reality in someone new
A world of free trade gossip judgement
Where opinions blur the truth to gray

By my maker

A mirrors gaze
Pretend to be someone else
Not the dream of who you are
Behind the hurt a future lies ahead
Walk once again in the vision of the daily trial

By my maker
Designed for death
Lived for another's forever
Won't see the peaceful surrender

Toxins in place of blood
Concrete instead of bones
Acid saliva poisoning lucid dreams
Of a day vision I shall never see

I won't pretend to be mortal anymore
I walked amongst the restless too long
Turmoil stole bits daily my hopeless soul
My wishes lie with those of ghosts

Knowingly Unknown Parallel

What can I say when ever I ask
Were you ever legitimately honest
Leaving me with a single choice
Or knowingly steal my own salvation

My wounds may never heal
And so little time remains
No footprints the path before me
I feel with knowledge along my way
While the judges watch me the labyrinthian

We don't talk much anymore
So the weight of your words hits fucking hard
Can't live by the rules you set but don't play
A parallel in a labyrinth everyone watching the display
My life its choices in a click transaction of gossip

My wounds may never heal
And so little time remains
No footprints the path before me
I feel with knowledge along my way
While the judges watch me the labyrinthian
This is my journey into a destiny unknown

No Blood

I'm sorry for the way things came about
Disgraced forever I now travel around
No family of blood in my future
Their gossip forever screaming loud
They made their stand in a single offer

Defenceless I'm not
I'm pacifist not ignorant
Your information from a single source
Word of mouth like gossiped opinion
Is not what equality in this world needs

No blood for the present
Stand united equal in the future
History wronged us of our place
The past we learned from its disgrace

The problem is the countdown
Your anger tied to slavery
To religion and not peace
Too disgraced to walk into church
That's okay some thing's wrong with that place
Pulpit still preaching rules over generations
No peace between races their ignorance is simple to decipher

No blood for the present
Stand united equal in the future
History wronged us of our place
The past we learned from its disgrace

No blood for my future
Family disgraced to destroy itself
Fallen on a gossip ridden face
Defencelessly ignorant not pacifist
Trouble making live in public on display
Seething with anger they judge the lesser like us

Like Friend & Family, Like Foe

You all threw me aside
Then woke after a single choice in my life
To email, text, and facebook judge me
As if you were one with the immortal

Your fear reactions shall never affect my life again
Attacks on what you don't comprehend are villainously justified
I haven't enjoyed this, so here now I end it all
Pure image tainted from stories on the outside
Handed down in illegitimate succession
Let alone the harbourer to live his life

Give, give, give
While they justify all they take
Then leave behind rumors an aftermath mark
On how evil you lived your life
Forced regret while you give, give, give
Your stupid choices from their none existent advice

They keep wishing you'll turn back from your wrong
But their reactions are of control
Making slaves of us one and all
The purely ugly chosen wounded
Strong and lonely we will survive

You all threw me aside
Then woke to gossip and judge my life
To email, text, and facebook pillage
You shall never affect my life again

Welcome to my birthing pains
Your judgement words my labour
The vile taint has made me strong
Ill received birth the villainous me
Now I am me and we shall survive

Duality of Face

I show only one face
I see the duality you showed me
And know why you lived a lie
Each time at length we speak
More and more your not what you seemed

What once I was not
Now in the reflection I recognize
Each day I become clearer

I can never recognize the man I see
Much like the woman who deceived me
Betrayed by a belief in things to hide
I've existed far too long for the comfort of a few
Mental of physical exchange is only one way

What once I was not am not
Now in the reflection I recognize
Each day I become clearer

I show only one face
Even unto mine enemy
Things aren't what we seem
Many faces exist in your life
Find the key I can only half explain
To remove yourself from their harm
Before you get too deep and never change

The Second Sentencing

I await the demon's conviction sentencing
People toss judgment so easily
But never aid you until its far too late
Lilith told me it won't be hard walking alone

The second sentencing came
Not before a God or Demon
But by the gossip of the two faced
By so called loved ones
Who bait you in to trade your name
Shame follows you not their claims

My shame in the illusion of choice
A world divided of darkness and more night
Knowledge is nothing if you regret who you are
I won't remake the choices
But I love the person they've made
So I am persistently exist as where I now belong

If you believe me selfish
Then claim me a villain in crime
Just let me alone so I can live again
I seek a new life not to run and hide
Leave me be and let me pass
Judge me not lest you be last

A Nightmare Hold

Woke up from nightmares
Lost was I again in your lies
Consuming the rest of my life
Abrupt I broke into a run no can longer wait
With scars in my soul and disgrace covering my face
Show that it matters how we leave this place

Would you ask me to trade
My life for your life
Go ahead, take all my hope
My rage is right where I belong
Lonely and half overcome

I know that pain is immortal
The only substance from the choices we made
The world of lies is a tragic divide in our way
Sifting through words decipher the lies
And with them cut all ties

Awakened into a nightmare
Ever reminded how your innocence died
How it shook the core of your life
Stand up to run or stay where you are
Freedom is the picture of longing inside

Would you ask me again to trade
A life for A life
Drenched in shame I'd rather move along
Alone is right where I belong
Ever lonely and half overcome

I've showed you hell
Now let me go free

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Smile Lifts

Where a smile dances on the lips
Here the brightest of the world exist
Like the moon disturbs the suns eclipse
So the dancing smile projects a pulse of peace

A beamimg amusement brought forth
A tender grin of humble loving pride
A gracious giggle of sister's laughing
The chuckle of an old man hair dressed in gray
The beauty I confess is within each and all of you

Where the smile swiftly dwells
Harmful deception exposed is cleansed
The beautiful of a remedy twitching upon the portal
I must confess and I'm not afraid now to say
That when the heart smiles I adore all of you

I divulge humbly I want to know you
Damn the evidence of past's wounding images
Cleansed are we all undeniably by a simper expression
I beg to be granted the tenderness of your delight
Don't disappear the beauty of a happy smirk

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lips of an Asshole: Part 3 - His Rage

Wounded darling why are you still calling me
I've told you before I'm tragic when you wake me so late
I know your fucked up and but he broke you and that's not one bit okay
But I won't whisper or leave that heartache asshole
My angel is the choice I made and she is you

You lie there as he whispers in the next room
Pretending not to hear him dream you away
While he wishes she was in the place of you
I guess some weaker men never try to move on

Its traumatically rageful to hear your voice
Bitter sweet using my name on a heartache date
Your lips are forever those of my darling angel
Wounded by an asshole man who isn't faithful

Its funny that your calling me again tonight
I woke from a vision of what I must do
Does your asshole know you regularly visit me
Let him know I wanna start a fight
If he has no clue tell him so
I've got a choice word or two

You lay there softly weeping as he whispers in the next room
No longer pretending not to hear him dream you away
While he wishes she took the place of you
I guess some men never try to move on
From being Tragic heartache assholes

Its traumatically ragefilling to hear your voice
Bitter sweet is the use of my name tonight
On this our irregular father daughter heartache date
Your lips are forever those of my darling angel
Wounded by an asshole man who isn't faithful

On a final note darling
You know he sees her face
As he is fucking you

I sent him to prison his heartache crime never to repeat
My daughter not just for being unfaithful
He bashed me in a verbal confrontation
His inner rage at his actions broke free upon me
He broke my weak knee on the top step
I fell down backwards into black oblivion and was forever free
Of this decaying body and now I am your guardian angel

Fuck the husband and all men who are unfaithful
Forget the description of another woman's angelic lips
Of love you don't have a fucking clue
I prey that hope never finds you
Exist in the feelings you have killing some angels
While dreaming of another who is also unloyal

The lips of a phantom angel
Make it hard for the fool to be faithful
Singing about betrayal is distastefully horrible
But worse that so many find it enjoyable
Fuck the society who grasp for their choice toxins
The poison that screams it's okay to be unfaithful
Just because she could possibly taste like an angel

Lips of an Asshole: Part 2 - She

Ill hearted angel why are you calling again tonight
Its late and its in the dead of night
I guess I can pretend for a few moments
I'll let him speak with you again for now
You took him too far now its probably too late

I lay here in the next room
I know he wishes I was you
That his heart never really moved on
I know he sees your face as he is fucking me

To him your voices is so sweet
You take advantage of his weakness
Selfishness makes it so hard for anyone to be faithful
My father divorced my mother before he touched another
To me he held firm through passion to keep his honour
But I say nothing of the sorts for you

You bastard finding peace in another reality
Complacency with me dreaming of a she devil
This girl is your comfort ill angel idol
A life you never knew before with her
But dream persists that she could be an angel

Now you lay alone in our old room
I knew you wished I was her
That your heart chose not to moved on
To linger in dreams of a fabricated reality
She traded you off as you trade me now
I know you saw her face as you were fucking me
Despicable tragic heartache lips of an asshole

Fuck the horror unhonourable husband
Who walks willingly into the lands of the unfaithful
unforgettable is the description of some else' angelic lips
Of love you don't understand or have a fucking clue
Exist onward in your tragic feelings as I've now left
I prey that hope never finds you

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lips of an Asshole: Part 1 - Me and Choice

Turbulent angel why are you whispering to me
Calling me in the dead of silent night
I guess I can spare a moment to talk right now
Wounded angel why do you call when your not okay
Sorry I'm being too loud I can't match your hushed tone
I won't whisper because broken trust I won't repeat

My lovers in the next room
Never wish she was you
Can't even imagine your face in dreams
Goodbye from you long ago I moved on
The Loyalty of love isn't disturbed by dreams
Of angels repeating viciously selfish deeds

Its not good to hear your voice
You over use and abuse my name
Coming from the lips of an ill angel
But your quivering lips no longer make me weak
I wish you could have been faithful
Like I am to my lover who is my forever angel

Its not funny anymore that your calling me again tonight
No stop asking I never dream of you
Does he know your talking to me
Well thats not all right put him on the line we end this tonight
My forever angel knows I am speaking to you

My lovers in the next room
I never wish she was remotely like you
Can't begin to imagine your face even in dreams
And I always want to say this is our last goodbye
Loyalty isn't disturbed by dreams of ill angels

I won't premeditated a painful lie
Its no fucking good to hear your voice
How your calling just to manipulate and cry
Its a mistake I'm the loyal foundation unshakable
Not like the lips of some weakness seeking ill angel

Its not good to hear your voice
You over use and abuse my name
Coming from the lips of an ill angel
But your quivering lips no longer make me weak
I wish you could now to your man be faithful
Like I am to my lover who is my choice my true forever angel

An Institution

Its not the vows its what you create
Carry in your heart the golden rule
Or strip your spouse of all their worth
Consume them as they bend until they break

Pray not for the structure
Not some fucking institution
Common hatred is no one's desire
Step past the chains around your neck

It starts with our fucked up parents
But in the end no ones to blame but ourself
We gave in to distortion until we hit the bottom
Our only countermeasure was reverting to second nature
Consume them as they bend until they break

As another marriage fails
Pray not for the structure
But the defences victims of unrest
In this system gossip is life's great test
Peace consumed by the airwaves
Twitter text email message mess

Went to church for some peace and aid
With shame wrapped around your neck
No father or pulpit ever accepted you
Yet they love the gossip thats killin you
Its only for your children you don't bite the bullet
They consume as you bend until you break

Pray not for the structure
Not some fucking institution
Common hatred is no one's desire
Step past the chains around your neck
Your forever forgiven believe not the gossip lies
Someone's seeking your love and deliverance
Blame the system not wholly yourself

Marriage or civil union
I care not what your system fucking calls it
Allow everyone to carry their loved one's weight
Impede not the love or incur hatred amongst your future's debt
Peace exists in equality bind it around your liar's neck

Friday, February 5, 2010


Perhaps this is living
Or do I exist merely in rumor
Word of vicious mouth
Or poisonous pen to paper
An image found in the written words of forever

However I am
These are the songs I write
On behalf of all thats ever gone wrong
I incur the weight so the struggle can go on

It is written
It is written forever
This the absolute choice
This is the song I must write
Push past the bureaucracy
Past the tradition to find the truth

Perhaps I never really existed
In the end a digital copy of walking trauma
Via vile Media broadcasts my courage undone
Measure worth wordly in an image's acceptance

However unbelievably imagined I am
These are the songs I must forever write
On behalf of all thats ever gone wrong
I incur the weight so the struggle can go on

Perhaps I never make a difference
Wrapped up amongst the rumor mill's poison
Could I mark our way out of the untruth's maze
Or are we forever doomed to believe whatever is written

It is written
It is written forever
This the absolute choice
This is the song I must write
Push past the bureaucracy
Past the tradition to find the truth

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Time but of Wolves

Speak to me
I'll last into forever
Beyond the pain and demons
Quickly now theres so little time

There is so much to say
We have to come from behind
Footprints before me where wolves have gone
Deep are the roots of villainy within my skin

I see myself falling
Through the cracks of salvation
Foundation shook by all those waiting
For a sign or their god for a second wind

Speak to us quickly
While we believe your still being honest
Oh tribunal of indictment honestly lying
Walk with me to cleanse the deforestation
Of the corporate wolves walking before us

Fall through the cracks of economic foundations
Sanctions and tariffs protect corporate earnings
While the workers slave side by side alone
There is no salvation unless we tear it down to start all over
But this won't happen we are slaves to the hive