Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shame Convict

Shame devours us
No counter will satisfy
Walk ever on digitally reprimanded
Unless I describe a story to back my crimes
I will not cater to obtain acceptance

I agree
I'm fucked up from the choices I made
I'm one for carrying onward
But now your judgements are standing in my way
Your words have no wieght yet to them you hold

Shame swallows
In the aftermath of an unjust trial
Based on the degredation and gossip you believe thus far
The tribunal sentenced but repentance you'll never physically see
So let life well enough alone just let me be

I agree very much indeed
I'm fucked up from the choices made
But I'm one for carrying determination onward
But now your judgements are standing in my way
Your words carry the wieght of your own world