Saturday, April 10, 2010


Dearest Annabelle
I fooled the world
But never myself
Found no one to be open

All night long they lingered
In desires of being found
By a hero or beauty queen
But did nothing to become
That which is sought to be seen

Dearest Annabelle
I'm so fucking angry
Bombs fall now as snowflakes
Children buried for a warfare
That has no meaning for the cost
Regard the penalty is arbitrary

I found no one hitching my way
Walked over the hill crest to the rise
There before me she lay abused
By the napalm that barely missed me and you
Mercy me she'd already past beyond the living
Her bags named her Mariam lover of all beings

Dearest Annabelle
See through my eyes of desperation
No seeds to reap and nothing to sow
A fisherman casts his bait into the dust
I'm inexhaustibly tired and angry