Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mirrors of Heaven

I yearn for my blood shed
Bravery with an objective
A human disgrace I die
Judgement mirrors reflect
As I destruct

Be resilient of complex
Before unto emotions you cave
Redemption is not security
Neither is God to satisfy
hidden is salvation we go

Anger in disappointment
Discontent with what the mirror shows
The tele-tube mirrors your living life
Watch as you lived to gratify
Securing your spot in hell

Heaven is for the living
Not for the unquenchable captive hosts
Man living for himself each day over and over again
Satisfied by tradition terminology
Read from what some other fool penned
My mirror shatters as I destruct

Be resilient of complex
Before unto desires you cave
Redemption is not grace
Neither is God an eternal security solution
Salvation is denied by our lives of pacifism
To assume otherwise is to indulge before we die
In some fictional version of God
His love in us should emotionally satisfy

Watch the armies overflow
Never ending gossip as judges
A tribunal seeking solutions
Mirrors of heaven show how shallow
Wake to watch before you go
Before Its too late
Before you follow suit
Repeating just to join in