Sunday, April 18, 2010

Objective Meddler

When I turned the information off
Still the world left me not alone
Probes detected possibility of life
Obejtive override by meddlers without shame

Set the switch to off
Interaction familiars persist in torture
They desire gossip and to judge fame
Ease is in the comfort of nothing new

Don't be afraid
Change like control comes for us all
It finds us despite our objections
Be alive now as martyr by affiliation
Reinvent yourself or deny the charges

Set the switch to off
Interaction addicts ever torture
They desire gossip and to meddle in fame
Their ease is in the comfort of nothing new

Don't be afraid of change
Like control comes for us all
It finds us despite our objections
Be alive now as martyr by affiliation
Reinvent yourself or deny the charges