Friday, October 3, 2008

Fists of Submission

I love the revolution
Of our near sighted future
The past brought to us into visions of hate
Verbalized fear words building terror
From censored state pictures

No time to regenerate
Forced into a hallow metallic grave
Our hope died with a broadcast
A vision of silent obedient consent
It fuels the democratic system
That demands we abdicate free will

Anything that died must rise
Beyond the passage of time
We are not bound to this conscious hell
Recognize the fear toggled on both sides
before its too late and we've give in to their passing bills
In the end our silence was the end of our freedom

Fists risen against submission
Fasting with beautiful ethical reasons
Obtaining attention on a political date
While a manifesto of lies blisters with hate
Duality of principles begin to mentally infuriate
Allowing my soul's demensions to diteriorate

Your Anger desires my normality
My infinite anomally denied
I become a FB, TV crack whore
Brain fried from lack of interest in my own life
Don't acknowledge my personal identity
Normalicy is an all too frequented mental state
Killing off the last dream of our soul's destiny