Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Project in Progress: I Wish...

I wish my Epitaph Read...
God  m'fucking damned me
Straighted to the inferno of hell
But blessed my family as an apology
For the curse belonging to my sin

I wish my Epitaph Read...
That I'd lived to see the day
When the church universal
Gave up the silly notion
That God damn someone
Based on sexual preference

I wish my Epitaph Read...
That I pissed off my mom so bad
She stopped worrying about me
And writing letters to the dead

I wish my Epitaph Read...
My folks hadn't prayed away the gay
That I was accepted in life
And I was born this way

I wish my Epitaph Read...
My poetic equation passed
That equality was worldwide
As a universal circumstance

I wish my Epitaph Read...
That without these glasses
I didn't see the living undead

I wish my epitaph read...

My eulogy reads
Already dead