Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Online Dating...

Starting to Dabble,

    What the f*ck! I don't fit what anyone wants. Sure I'm stable with no baggage, a poetic hero who wants to change the world and spends way too much time thinking and thus writing in hopes of doing so... But women want funny, I can be that... Seldomly, when it strikes me, usually via sarcasm in stating the obvious, Sorry I'm Canadian!



     Even with my long hair hidden, the beard disguising my thin features, I can't be found worthy of the tragedy of romance, Love is affordable to those who seek comfort & all the ins and outs of how to daily appease said regime, I'm trapped outside the social norm in a counter poetic culture that exists as one, Writing to inspire or provide awareness to others... You are not alone.

    In my attempts to give women an honest moment, poetically infused prose romanticizes when applicable, a thousand times seven I'm met with silence, Why break the mould of humanity, The common male's decrepit chivalry, Because I believe... In validating the worth of a women through my poetic being. 

In earnest anticipation of,