Monday, June 3, 2013

Fog Over Me

Dear God, Tomorrow I might die, So tonight I write to she who waits...

Dearest Death

Glass clouds over,

       Consulting memory to construct a shell of who I am, Structure of academic accomplishments establish a timeline to present, Nothing but a system to trap the question from this very moment, Linking moments agenda,I'm from nowhere but this moment,The past doesn't exist & the future will never be,Ask me who I am & here I shall be. Signed off on destiny,Gone afk to fate,Be my only friend today,Stuck in a moment with me,As the world's future grows silent to the present.

     Consulting memory to construct a shell of who I am,Establish a timeline to present, A system to trap the question from this very moment... Girl I once knew inside my head,Hung by a 'no homo' church culture or gimped rap prodigies,Attempting to circuit break resurrect her...Fate. God damn I wish my eulogy read,Born this way & accepted,But gay isn't a closet to be had,Kept tidy & silent in an atmosphere of bigotry...

In earnest anticipation of,